Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

In Mississippi, the governor (Haley Barbour) plans to merge three historically black universities into one. The three schools are Jackson State University, Alcorn State University, and Mississippi Valley State University. Under the plan, no campuses would close but Alcorn State and MVSU would be merged into Jackson State. In addition, he wants to merge Mississippi University for Women with Mississippi State University. Barbour said the merger would save money by reducing administrative costs and eliminating "academic duplication" [Academic duplication? What does that even mean? I'm sure he's thinking, 'All you black schools teach the same thing.'] He says this plan could save $35 million. He said the state can't afford eight universities. He also stated that he's not worried about appearing racially insensitive with his plan.
The presidents of these universities have stated that they want to remain independent. The JSU president said, "The governor's proposed budget cuts will change the face of higher education in Mississippi for decades." A student at JSU said, "I personally believe they undermined the uniqueness of the black colleges and how far we've come with the little resources we have." Some critics of the plan say that all universities should be treated the same. A Representative from Mississippi said, "I only know there are certain universities that are having to come forward and prove why they should remain open. That's not right." The vice president of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in High Education said the state should examine all the state's universities and colleges, and not just it's three HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities). Some key lawmakers in Mississippi say they will not support this plan and they don't think it will be given much consideration when the Legislature convenes in January. (Full Story)
I can't believe Barbour isn't even trying to be discrete about it -- that the only schools he is looking to merge are HBCUs and a women's university. That's certainly not a coincidence. And saying you don't care that you appear racially insensitive?! That's scary.

The Commissioner for Immigration in Germany has reported that Germany is drawing up a "values contract" to bind new immigrants to Germany's values. She said, "In those contracts will be set out what they can expect in terms of support and help. But they will also set out what we can expect from immigrants." Immigrants are expected to learn German and uphold German values such as freedom of speech and gender equality. The Commissioner said that the number of highly qualified immigrants coming to Germany is too small. Germany wants to makes themselves more attractive to qualified immigrants -- the Commissioner believes this will help the country gain "the expertise that will enable us to ensure our leading economic role in world market." She continued, "Our demographic problems won't be solved through immigration...But, we must also make sure we harness the potential of immigrants already living here. For that, we need good language teaching, schooling, and a better recognition of qualifications gained abroad." (Full Story)
I think it's good they're trying to help immigrants to be integrated in Germany society and that there is a contract that lays out the help and support immigrants can expect. That's better than the host country saying "you're on your own; figure it out" -- which immigrants to the U.S. kind of experience. At least Germany is trying to offer language teaching and schooling. However, I'm kind of wary about this push for immigrants to sign a contract promising to take on German values. Immigrants should have the right to carry on their traditions and values (to the extent that it doesn't harm someone or is illegal in Germany). I also don't like this language of "qualified immigrants", and wanting to use these 'desirable' immigrants to help the country progress. I think this draws an unacceptable line of who is considered "worthy" of German citizenship and who is not. Many countries do this as well -- whether they have a standard system or a point system -- where they're fine with immigrants as long as they will help the country economically. In these countries, there should be greater acceptance of diversity and immigrants in general.

Interesting story about Indian brides being deserted by their British Indian husbands. One Indian woman featured in the article married a British man, who then returned to London and promised he'd send for her. He would come to India two or three times a year and would "have a good time" with his wife, but then he would return to London without her -- giving excuses that there were delays with the visa and finally that the spousal visa application had been denied. Then he said that he applied for an appeal. This would give him an excuse to still come see his wife, but then to leave without her. His wife said she never saw any copy of the paperwork he was supposedly filing. Then the visits and calls ended, and now she has no contact with her husband. The wife said, "In hindsight, it was like being a prostitute you take along and have a good time with and then leave behind...I get the feeling that I was being used all this time."
It's estimated that there are 15,000 to 20,000 abandoned brides in India. These women are referred to as "holiday brides". Most of these brides have been deserted by husbands that live in the UK, Canada, or the US. These Western suitors can be appealing to Indian brides because there is an opportunity for a better life. These Western suitors can provide financial security and the opportunity to migrate -- which can bring about better opportunities than is possible in India, especially for women.
Many of this "holiday brides" do not remarry. They have to resort to depending on relatives for financial support. These women say their lives have been ruined because their husbands have deserted them and divorce is seen as socially unacceptable. Their situation is frowned upon by others in the community. In response to this problem, the Indian government has set up a department to provide assistance to these abandoned brides. (Full Story)

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